an aid to other Councils, who may want to do their own Council
websites at minimal cost, we have prepared a step-by-step Guide of how
Connecticut Council did our website at zero out-of-pocket costs.
Any other Councils are welcome to download the following information and decide for themselves if this is the way they'd like to go.

First, download the 18 page Guide by clicking here.
(This is an Adobe PDF file, 1.5MB)
Second, if you decide to proceed, you will need to download the following sample template web page and 4 images following the instructions on page 5 of the Guide:
sample template.html
Navy League cloud banner
Sea Cadets photo
Seapower magazine photo
USS Chuchill photo
Good luck!
Any other Councils are welcome to download the following information and decide for themselves if this is the way they'd like to go.

First, download the 18 page Guide by clicking here.
(This is an Adobe PDF file, 1.5MB)
Second, if you decide to proceed, you will need to download the following sample template web page and 4 images following the instructions on page 5 of the Guide:
sample template.html
Navy League cloud banner
Sea Cadets photo
Seapower magazine photo
USS Chuchill photo
Good luck!